public class URLSearchParams extends HtmlUnitScriptable
.Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
ES6Iterator implementation for js support. |
org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ScriptableObject.KeyComparator, org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ScriptableObject.LambdaGetterFunction, org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ScriptableObject.LambdaSetterFunction
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
Constant used to register the prototype in the context.
Constructor and Description |
Constructs a new instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
append(String name,
String value)
The append() method of the URLSearchParams interface appends a specified
key/value pair as a new search parameter.
void |
delete(String name)
The delete() method of the URLSearchParams interface deletes the given search
parameter and its associated value, from the list of all search parameters.
org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ES6Iterator |
The URLSearchParams.entries() method returns an iterator allowing to go through
all key/value pairs contained in this object.
void |
fillRequest(WebRequest webRequest)
Sets the specified request with the parameters in this
FormData . |
void |
forEach(Object callback)
The URLSearchParams.forEach() method allows iteration through
all key/value pairs contained in this object via a callback function.
String |
get(String name)
The get() method of the URLSearchParams interface returns the
first value associated to the given search parameter.
org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable |
getAll(String name)
The getAll() method of the URLSearchParams interface returns all the values
associated with a given search parameter as an array.
Object |
getDefaultValue(Class<?> hint)
Calls for instance for implicit conversion to string.
int |
getSize() |
boolean |
has(String name)
The has() method of the URLSearchParams interface returns a Boolean that
indicates whether a parameter with the specified name exists.
void |
jsConstructor(Object params)
Constructs a new instance.
String |
jsToString() |
org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ES6Iterator |
The URLSearchParams.keys() method returns an iterator allowing to go through
all keys contained in this object.
void |
set(String name,
String value)
The set() method of the URLSearchParams interface sets the value associated with a
given search parameter to the given value.
org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ES6Iterator |
The URLSearchParams.values() method returns an iterator allowing to go through
all values contained in this object.
clone, equivalentValues, get, getBrowserVersion, getClassName, getDomNodeOrDie, getDomNodeOrNull, getPrototype, getScriptableFor, getWindow, getWindow, getWindowFromTopCallScope, getWithPreemption, has, hasInstance, initParentScope, makeScriptableFor, put, setClassName, setDomNode, setDomNode, setParentScope, setupPromise, setupRejectedPromise
applyDescriptorToAttributeBitset, associateValue, avoidObjectDetection, buildDataDescriptor, callMethod, callMethod, checkPropertyChangeForSlot, checkPropertyDefinition, defineClass, defineClass, defineClass, defineConst, defineConstProperty, defineFunctionProperties, defineOwnProperties, defineOwnProperty, defineOwnProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, delete, delete, deleteProperty, deleteProperty, deleteProperty, ensureScriptable, ensureScriptableObject, ensureScriptableObjectButNotSymbol, ensureSymbolScriptable, get, get, get, getAllIds, getArrayPrototype, getAssociatedValue, getAttributes, getAttributes, getAttributes, getAttributes, getAttributes, getClassPrototype, getDefaultValue, getExternalArrayData, getExternalArrayLength, getFunctionPrototype, getGeneratorFunctionPrototype, getGetterOrSetter, getGetterOrSetter, getIds, getObjectPrototype, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getParentScope, getProperty, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyIds, getPrototype, getSuperProperty, getSuperProperty, getSuperProperty, getTopLevelScope, getTopScopeValue, getTypedProperty, getTypedProperty, getTypeOf, has, has, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, isAccessorDescriptor, isConst, isDataDescriptor, isEmpty, isExtensible, isFalse, isGenericDescriptor, isGetterOrSetter, isSealed, isTrue, preventExtensions, put, put, putConst, putConstProperty, putOwnProperty, putOwnProperty, putOwnProperty, putProperty, putProperty, putProperty, putSuperProperty, putSuperProperty, putSuperProperty, querySlot, redefineProperty, sameValue, sealObject, setAttributes, setAttributes, setAttributes, setAttributes, setAttributes, setCommonDescriptorProperties, setExternalArrayData, setGetterOrSetter, setPrototype, size
public static final String URL_SEARCH_PARMS_TAG
public void jsConstructor(Object params)
- the params stringpublic void append(String name, String value)
- The name of the parameter to append.value
- The value of the parameter to append.public void delete(String name)
in interface org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable
in class org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ScriptableObject
- The name of the parameter to be deleted.public String get(String name)
- The name of the parameter to return.public org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable getAll(String name)
- The name of the parameter to return.public void set(String name, String value)
- The name of the parameter to set.value
- The value of the parameter to set.public boolean has(String name)
- The name of the parameter to find.public void forEach(Object callback)
- Function to execute on each key/value pairspublic org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ES6Iterator entries()
public org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ES6Iterator keys()
public org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ES6Iterator values()
public int getSize()
public String jsToString()
public Object getDefaultValue(Class<?> hint)
in interface org.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable
in class HtmlUnitScriptable
- the type hintHtmlUnitScriptable.getDefaultValue(java.lang.Class)
public void fillRequest(WebRequest webRequest)
- the web request to fillCopyright © 2002–2025 Gargoyle Software Inc.. All rights reserved.