class which is the main entry point).See: Description
Interface | Description |
AlertHandler |
A handler for JavaScript alerts.
ClipboardHandler |
A handler for system clipboard access.
ConfirmHandler |
A handler for the JavaScript function
window.confirm() . |
DownloadedContent |
Wrapper for content downloaded from a remote server.
FrameContentHandler |
Interface to customize the handling of frame content.
IncorrectnessListener |
Interface to receive notification of incorrect information in HTML code
(but not the parser messages), headers, ...
OnbeforeunloadHandler |
A handler for
onbeforeunload events. |
Page |
An abstract page that represents some content returned from a server.
PageCreator |
Something that knows how to create a page object.
PrintHandler |
A handler for JavaScript Window.print()
(Printing Spec).
PromptHandler |
A handler for JavaScript window.prompt().
RefreshHandler |
A handler for page refreshes.
ScriptPreProcessor |
A script pre processor call back.
StatusHandler |
A handler for changes to
window.status . |
WebConnection |
An object which handles the actual communication portion of page retrieval/submission.
WebConsole.Logger |
A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
WebWindow |
An interface that represents one window in a browser.
WebWindowListener |
A listener for WebWindowEvent's.
Class | Description |
AbstractPage |
A basic
Page implementation. |
AjaxController |
This class is notified when AJAX calls are made, and has the ability to influence these calls.
BrowserVersion |
Objects of this class represent one specific version of a given browser.
BrowserVersion.BrowserVersionBuilder |
Because BrowserVersion is immutable we need a builder
for this complex object setup.
Cache |
Simple cache implementation which caches compiled JavaScript files and parsed CSS snippets.
CollectingAlertHandler |
A simple alert handler that keeps track of alerts in a list.
CookieManager |
Manages cookies for a
WebClient . |
DefaultCredentialsProvider |
Default HtmlUnit implementation of the
CredentialsProvider interface. |
DefaultCssErrorHandler |
HtmlUnit's default implementation of
CSSErrorHandler , which logs all CSS problems. |
DefaultPageCreator |
The default implementation of
PageCreator . |
DialogWindow |
A window opened in JavaScript via either
or window.showModelessDialog . |
DownloadedContent.InMemory |
Implementation keeping content in memory.
DownloadedContent.OnFile |
Implementation keeping content on the file system.
FormEncodingType |
A collection of constants that represent the various ways a form can be encoded when submitted.
History |
Representation of the navigation history of a single window.
HttpHeader |
Various constants.
HttpWebConnection |
Default implementation of
WebConnection , using the HttpClient library to perform HTTP requests. |
ImmediateRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler immediately refreshes the specified page,
using the specified URL and ignoring the wait time.
IncorrectnessListenerImpl |
Default implementation of
IncorrectnessListener configured on WebClient . |
MockWebConnection |
A fake
WebConnection designed to mock out the actual HTTP connections. |
MockWebConnection.RawResponseData |
Contains the raw data configured for a response.
NicelyResynchronizingAjaxController |
AjaxController resynchronizes calls calling from the main thread. |
NiceRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler performs an immediate refresh if the refresh delay is
less or equal to the configured time and otherwise ignores totally the refresh instruction.
ProxyConfig |
Class which centralizes proxy configuration, in an effort to reduce clutter in the
class. |
Screen |
Screen . |
ScriptResult |
This object contains the result of executing a chunk of script code.
SgmlPage |
A basic class of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), e.g.
SilentCssErrorHandler |
Implementation of
CSSErrorHandler which ignores all CSS problems. |
SilentIncorrectnessListener |
Implementation of
IncorrectnessListener which ignores all notifications. |
StorageHolder |
Holder for different types of storages.
StringWebResponse |
A simple WebResponse created from a string.
TextPage |
A generic page that will be returned for any text related content.
ThreadedRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler spawns a new thread that waits the specified
number of seconds before refreshing the specified page, using the
specified URL.
TopLevelWindow |
A window representing a top level browser window.
UnexpectedPage |
A generic page that is returned whenever an unexpected content type is returned by the server.
Version |
Class to display version information about HtmlUnit.
WaitingRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler waits the specified number of seconds (or a user defined maximum)
before refreshing the specified page, using the specified URL.
WebAssert |
Utility class which contains standard assertions for HTML pages.
WebClient |
The main starting point in HtmlUnit: this class simulates a web browser.
WebClient.PooledCSS3Parser |
This is a poolable CSS3Parser which can be reused automatically when closed.
WebClientOptions |
Represents options of a
WebClient . |
WebClientOptions.Geolocation |
Support class for Geolocation.
WebConsole |
This class can be used to print messages to the logger.
WebRequest |
Parameter object for making web requests.
WebResponse |
A response from a web server.
WebResponseData |
Simple data object to simplify WebResponse creation.
WebWindowAdapter |
An adapter for the WebWindowListener interface.
WebWindowEvent |
An event that will be fired when a WebWindow changes.
WebWindowImpl |
Enum | Description |
BrowserVersionFeatures |
Constants of various features of each
BrowserVersion . |
DefaultPageCreator.PageType |
The different supported page types.
HttpMethod |
Represents the various ways a page can be submitted.
StorageHolder.Type |
Type for Storage.
WebRequest.HttpHint |
Enum to configure request creation.
Exception | Description |
ElementNotFoundException |
An exception that is thrown when a specified XML element cannot be found in the DOM model.
FailingHttpStatusCodeException |
An exception that is thrown when the server returns a failing status code.
NotYetImplementedException |
Thrown if a method is not yet implemented for some reason
but at least available from js.
ObjectInstantiationException |
Thrown if an object could not be instantiated for some reason.
ScriptException |
An exception that will be thrown if an error occurs during the processing of
a script.
WebWindowNotFoundException |
Exception to indicate that no
WebWindow could be found that matched
a given name. |
class which is the main entry point).Copyright © 2002–2025 Gargoyle Software Inc.. All rights reserved.